
Lab Pack Services

Providing safe handling and disposal of diverse laboratory chemicals

Beyond the conventional

We identify, classify, segregate, and package all chemical waste, creating a detailed chemical
inventory in DOT-approved containers

Image for: We offer a premium service to all labs across the country

We offer a premium service to all labs across the country

Safety & expertise as core value drivers

Referring to a container, typically a 55-gallon fiber or steel drum, filled with various small quantity containers of chemicals commonly found in laboratories. These small containers are packed in inert materials like vermiculite for safe transport during Lab Disposal. Tradebe Chemists meticulously identify, categorize, and inventory all chemicals on-site, adhering to strict DOT and EPA guidelines.

We label and transport the lab pack chemicals to our Tradebe Specialized DePack TSDF. On-site, our chemists identify, classify, segregate, and package all chemical waste, creating a detailed chemical inventory in DOT-approved containers. We ensure compliance with DOT and EPA labeling requirements, prepare manifests and other shipping documents, and safely transport packaged chemicals to a Tradebe DePack TSDF facility for processing and lab pack disposal. (Included with Lab Packing: DePack, Lab Moves…)


Our highly skilled chemists, experienced in managing diverse chemicals, ensure the safe handling and disposal of obsolete, off-specification, or unidentified laboratory chemicals. The meticulous packaging of these chemicals in 55-gallon drums, filled with inert materials, guarantees secure transportation and disposal.

What does our service offer?

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  • Skilled Chemists: Our highly trained chemists bring extensive experience in managing a wide array of chemicals.
  • Safe Handling and Disposal: We ensure the secure handling and disposal of off-spec, or unidentified laboratory chemicals.
  • Meticulous Packaging: Chemicals are carefully packed in 55-gallon drums, guaranteeing secure transportation and disposal.
  • Risk Mitigation: Addressing potential dangers from haphazard storage, we offer a comprehensive solution for identification, packing, and safe disposal.
  • Expertise Assurance: Trust in the expertise of our professionals to navigate the complexities of Lab Pack chemical handling.
  • Enhanced Safety and Compliance: Create a safer and more compliant environment for your workplace or production facility.

How does our service create value for our customers?

Tradebe’s treatment capacity security greatly enhances our Lab Pack Services, ensuring prompt and reliable disposal of diverse laboratory chemicals. Our highly skilled chemists handle the secure packaging of chemicals, addressing potential dangers and providing a comprehensive solution for safe identification, packing, and disposal. This commitment not only ensures enhanced safety and compliance but also reinforces our trustworthiness in managing the complexities of Lab Pack chemical handling for a safer environment in workplaces, production facilities, and research sites.

Image for: Cylinder Recycling & Processing

Cylinder Recycling & Processing

The meticulous packaging of these chemicals in 55-gallon drums

Tradebe utilizes a reaction vessel and scrubber system to process the gases for disposal and includes cylinder decommissioning and scrapping of the cylinder vessel conducted under a nitrogen purge. Tradebe’s team collaborates with generators to identify, handle, repackage as needed, and properly dispose of unknown gas cylinders that others may not accept. Common types of gas cylinders Tradebe processes include Non-RCRA, Flammable, Corrosive, Toxic, and more. Identification, Inspection, Inventory, Analysis, Packaging, Labeling, Transportation, Treatment, Recycling, and Disposal.


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