IMG 4063

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Services

Continuously seeking a cost-effective and environmentally responsible solution

Image for: Our comprehensive collection and disposal services cover a range of materials

Our comprehensive collection and disposal services cover a range of materials

Communities and municipalities require a cost-effective and environmentally responsible solution for managing Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), defined as hazardous solid waste generated by consumers in households. Our comprehensive collection and disposal services cover a range of materials, including leftover paints, solvents, cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, pool chemicals, outdated medicines, cosmetics, batteries, and more. Improper disposal of HHW, containing toxic, flammable, reactive, or corrosive ingredients, poses risks to humans, wildlife, and the environment. 

Our collection programs effectively remove these hazards, conducting events throughout the year, often managing multiple events simultaneously. Our success lies in a dedicated team and a proven program ensuring meticulous attention to detail, from setup to clean up.

Our HHW Program checklist covers: setup, site planning, entrance stations, traffic lanes, receiving stations, lab pack station, decontamination station, spill containment, protection gear, safety equipment, emergency plans, bulking equipment, transportation, and site cleanup.

Collected waste undergoes unpacking in one of the most advanced processing centers, with Tradebe’s modular Lab Pack center designed for maximum safety, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. 

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