Tradebe Gualba awarded with EcoVadis’ gold medal

Tradebe Gualba has been awarded the gold medal by EcoVadis, platform responsible for certifying the level of sustainability and best practices of companies across different areas. This medal cover areas of environment, labour practices and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.
Labor and human rights policy on training and professional development, periodic assessment of suppliers (e.g., questionnaire) on environmental or social practices, adhered to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and specialized responsibility for business ethics matters, among our strengths stand out by EcoVadis.
“This recognition not only allows us to enhance our services, ensuring delivery times and higher quality for our clients, but also materializes the great work carried out by our team for a long time, solidifying our position as specialized leaders in the sector”, has highlighted Gaylord Bozec, Business Development Director of Tradebe.
Tradebe, on its part, has been awarded with this certification on several occasions in recent years, at the beginning of 2023 by Tradebe Port de Barcelona and the previous year by the consulting brand Tecnoambiente.
EcoVadis is one of the leading tools available for assessing the sustainability level of companies using a point-based system. Through an annual subscription, a group of experts from this platform meticulously analyze the organization’s performance in various sustainability areas throughout the year, assigning a score of 1 to 100 to the company.